20 Ocak 2019 Pazar

Information About Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854 to Sir William Wilde and his wife Jane. Oscar's mother, Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1820-1896), was a successful poet and journalist.Oscar's father, Sir William Wilde (1815 - 1876), was a leading ear and eye surgeon, a renowned philanthropist and gifted writer, who wrote books on archaeology and folklore. After he graduated from Oxford , he moved to Chelsea in London (1879) to establish a literary career. In 1881, he published his first collection of poetry - Poems that received mixed reviews by critics.
In 1888, he published The Happy Prince and Other Tales, fairy-stories written for his two sons. His first and only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was published in 1891 and received quite a negative response. This had much to do with the novel's homoerotic overtones, which caused something of a sensation amongst Victorian critics.

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Cover of the first edition

Wilde's greatest talent was for writing plays.In April 1895, Oscar sued Bosie's father for libel as the Marquis of Queensberry had accused him of homosexuality. Oscar's case was unsuccessful and he was himself arrested and tried for gross indecency. He was sentenced to two years of hard labor for the crime of sodomy. During his time in prison he wrote De Profundis .Upon his release in 1897, he wrote The Ballad of Reading Gaol, revealing his concern for inhumane prison conditions. He spent the rest of his life wandering Europe, staying with friends and living in cheap hotels. 

And if you want you can watch The Picture Of Dorian Gray Summary : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8iAuBdQJUg

And here is my pin about Oscar Wilde : https://tr.pinterest.com/pin/741475526128944104/#

18 Ocak 2019 Cuma


language training ile ilgili görsel sonucu

I did my first vidcast.Quick tips about how to do traning while you're learning a new language. Hope you enjoy it .

16 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba


moodle ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators to create personalised learning environments. After you download this application to your computer or mobile phone you can create your own courses or you can join the courses in Moodle.There are a lot of courses in almost in a lot of languages.And it includes tool such as forums, wikis, chats and blogs. And a lot of schools all around the world , are using this application to make quizzes or feedbacks.So students needn't to be in a one place , they could join anywhere to learn something ...

VR (Virtual Reality)

vr ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Virtual Reality much more realistic than AR.You wear your Virtual Reality glasses and reach to another world.You can already feel like using your all senses. But important thing is movement.If in Virtual Reality , you move too much , you could feel a motion sickness.This a little disadvantage for you but still worth the experience you had.

vr travel ile ilgili görsel sonucu
We've tried Virtual Reality in our Technology Class and as I experienced , this technology is not useful as much as AR.Because you can use AR in your lessons easily but if you try to use VR in your class often , this could have some disadvantages.

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In these reality applications you reach information easily .Actually it's a good thing but it could make your students more lazy and they could get bored the lesson because they don't do any search to learn more detail about a topic or practice while doing their search.So it could be dangerous to use VR to learn some things. But it is still useful to have some experince. Rather than using VR in class , it could be more beneficial for other things ; for example : travel to other countries or making a meeting with our colleagues...

So I've found a video for you to experience a travel in New York. If you have opputunity 

Wear your headphones and Virtual Reality Glasses and CLICK THERE to A New York Experience

AR (Augmented Reality)

augmented reality ile ilgili görsel sonucu

      Augmented Reality may be less excited than Virtual Reality .But I think it's more useful tool in our daily-routine.

It's bring more virtuality into our real world.And making everything more interesting that we see , feel and hear .So it's just adds elements that aren't really there to our vision.There are some companies and applications that have been using this technology. Some of them use AR to make shopping easier and some of them use it to make games more real.

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   I've tried this technology in our Technology Class. And according to my experience , I think it could be useful in our language classes.Because it's not an expensive technology , if you have a mobile phone , all you have to do is just download apps that supply this technology ; for example : HP Reveal , Augmented , etc ..

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  So if we think about the ways how we're going to use this technology in our language class , I believe that there will be a lot of ways. For example we can use AR to memorize the words. If we use more visial than paperwork , I think that would be more effective on our students.And I've watched a short film about AR and how it could be in our lives in the future.If you're wondering you can click to link below :)

ar gif ile ilgili görsel sonucu

                          A short film by Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo -click here to watch

15 Ocak 2019 Salı


powtoon ile ilgili görsel sonucu

  In Powtoon , if you have a purpose about any topic you can choose a video plan and then you can start to create your presentation video.Think like a more explaining video.Powtoon is not a classic slideshow application.It is a more qualified application and you can use it for your presentation with more visuals and sounds.
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I think , I could recommend Powtoon to my students in the future. So they could make more creative videos in their presentations. And extend their visions without boring.

And here is my Powtoon video link : https://www.powtoon.com/c/b3GQuHgsMBm/1/m

13 Ocak 2019 Pazar


pixton ile ilgili görsel sonucu

In this post , I will talk about an animation application "Pixton". This application gives you an opputunity to make books.You can create your characters and start to make short or long stories.After you decide what you're going to tell in your story , you can choose your backgrounds and as I see they're almost unlimited , you can pick one of your own pictures.Then you can add your characters to your story.After you add some materials you can write in their dialogues.All of this is up to your imagination.

If you create your story with a good idea , you can leave a good impression on your students.And with this kind of applications you can make your lesson more enjoyable.

pixton gif ile ilgili görsel sonucu

I think it's a very useful application because I could create some stories with Pixton and make my lesson more remarkable.And that's mean more variety for me.

And here is my pixton animation link : Pixton.com/a/FP4B-7G

10 Ocak 2019 Perşembe


storybird ile ilgili görsel sonucu

It's important to have a reading / writing habits , I think .And there are some application or websites which you can write your own stories , poets or series . Storybird is one of them and this website is looking very useful for people who have or want to have writing habit. You can be a member of Storybird and share your own stories , poetries. Additionly , you can use this application for education. As a teacher you can create your own classrom and your students can write their own stories in Storybird. So you can make practice with your students and they can improve their writing skill and may they have a habit about it.In addition , you can start a challenge with some words and you can create new sentences with the given words.

   I've became a member last weeks and from now on , I think , I will be using Storybird for improve my writing and share some poetries from my favorite poets.

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  And here is the link of one of my favorite poets... Keep on following my Storybird :) See you soon.


I think it's a very useful application and it's not boring for foreing language students. I think , I would suggest Voki to my students to make their presesntations quickly or to improve their speaking easily .So they can see their potential in speaking and can make comment to each other ...

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   Voki is an application that you can create a speaking avatar .You can choose your avatar's look , change details about your avatar's speaking voice or you can add your own voice to your avatar.I think this app give oppurtunity to teachers to engage their students for almost any purpose about education. It has visual oppurtunities so students can add their blog more human feel.And they can practice their presentations easily .
 And here is my short Voki avatar's speech. It's from ancient times . Hope you enjoyed it :)

My Voki Link (Athena) : http://tinyurl.com/y7zxzpgd

6 Ocak 2019 Pazar


Padlet is look like a wall . You can paint this wall and add gifs , photos , links , videos or voices to this wall. You can design this wall's shape.And use it for education or to make presentation.You can create a new padlet with  your students or you can make your lessons more effective than the other lessons with this web 2.0 application. And you can use it for business or school . I think that I could use this application in my future job. Even if I work for a company , Padlet would be good idea for my presentations...

And here are the links of my Padlet account and Padlet Presentation :)

Fruits Link : https://padlet.com/gizemd6/le6t81w9hwe6

My Padlet : https://padlet.com/gizemd6

5 Ocak 2019 Cumartesi


pinterest ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Pinterest is an photo sharing platform.But these are not usual photos , you can find more than a photo. You can find ideas about everything.Whatever you're looking for you can find something about it in Pinterest. And it's a very big platform .You can find a lot of people who are using this application in their daily life.

 Actually I've been using Pinterest for more than a year and it worked for me. I've started using this when I was creating my room .Then I found more inspirational things , I've started to play guitar (still working on it :) ) , started to painting and drawing , I've improved my interests . And still finding more ideas about my daily routine and future life . If you're open to new ideas or changes , this application would be very fun for you. And I think that I can use this application in my career because I'm sure that I will be find a lot of activity ideas to play or apply with my students .
 So I've created a pin about Ikigai . The word derives from iki, meaning life and kai,meaning the realisation of hopes and expectations.
And here is my Pinterest Link :


 Hot Potatoes is an free application which you can create quiz.And there are six options which you can use when you are creating quiz.But I think it's an old application.If you want to create something simple you have to use more effort .Firstly you need to download this application to your computer and rake this application up . If I would consider this application with others , I think I would not use Hot Potatoes in my future career. Because it's complicated and need more time to creat some quiz.
  I've tried it and did some questions about Ancient Roman Theatre.You can see some screenshots which are belong to my Hot Potatoes Quiz.


Now let's talk about another education app : Socrative .Actually , I think it is kind of similar to Kahoot! But in Socrative , if you're a teacher, you can reach more details in your quiz or questions' response.You can see / hide student's names.And if you're a student you can choose one of the options and start a quiz with your classmates with entering the code that your teacher's gave you .

With this application , as a teacher , you can ask your students a simple and quick questions about your topic . Or after a reading or a lesson you can make practice with your students .And when you see the results you will have an idea about your students and what they've learned.And you can send e-mail to your students about their results and quiz data .
  I think it's a good way to make practice about your daily topic and it's easy to use this application . All you need is a computer and if all the students have their own mobile phone , you can start your quiz now , in Socrates :)
 Here is a link from my Socrates account . If you know about Romeo & Juliet , you can easily answer these questions . Good luck :)



Make Learning Enjoyable
kahoot gif ile ilgili görsel sonucu

 Kahoot is a web 2.0 tool which you can prepare tests and games for learning.The topic is up to you.You can choose a subject and use Kahoot for a memorable lesson.And I think it's a good application for group settings.So we can easily use it in our classroom.It can create togetherness.In addition it can work as a homework.All you have to do create a pin in Kahoot and check the classroom succes in your freetime.This is a way easier than doing tests in classroom only , with papers. You need more effort to read all these papers . And I could prepare debate in Kahoot. I would use this technique in my classroom. With these kind of debates , class would be more creative and active , I think.And here is a link "How To Play Kahoot! "


And let's talk about how it works.Actually it's a very easy app.As I said before , you need to choose a topic then you need to choose a kind of quiz . After that you create or find some questions about your topic and create a test or debate.

 So , I'm sure that I will use this app for my class.Because I think that it could create more enjoyable area in class and encourage students.And actually I've create a Kahoot quiz in my account.This is a kind of debate about technology. You can go and check it out :)

And here is your code to play :292110


Information About Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde  was born in Dublin on 16 October 1854 to Sir William Wilde and his wife Jane. Oscar's mother,  Lady Jane Francesca...